Indictment complied by Alan Kwan 2022-09-16 Introduction ============ This document is an allegation against a certain office holder in Sanctuary Church of being a globalist spy who malevolently manipulated our church into holding a different position from God’s truth concerning the novel coronavirus, and of misconduct and abuse of authority in censoring and distorting reports, with malevolent intent, from an overseas church leader to the King. While the accuser (me) do not possess hard evidence towards the allegations, this document will propose a method of investigation through which the latter claim can be verified, with minimal costs and difficulty. I would prefer that the accused would remain unnamed throughout this document, for if the proposed investigation is carried out, and the allegations confirmed, his identity would automatically become apparent. The Church’s Position on the Coronavirus is Untrue and Different from God’s =========================================================================== God’s Position: the Scientific Truth ------------------------------------ God created this universe, both the physical world and the spirit world, with His Word. Thus God is the ultimate master of both science and religion, which are our attempts at discovering the truths in these respective worlds. With respect to any scientific fact, there can only be one truth – the version known by God – although in many cases it may be difficult for man to determine exactly which version that should be. Though, with respect to the coronavirus, and all pathogenic viruses in general, such determination is not difficult at all. The simple fact is that, pathogenic viruses have never been scientifically proven to exist, and have always been nothing more than a fabrication in the minds of virologists, used to explain away certain disease conditions which are in fact caused by a whole lot of other non-microbial factors. No virus has ever been found in any human, animal or plant, in its supposed natural habitat of its infected host; the pictures of so-called viruses presented to us are either cartoon drawings and computer graphics, or real microscopic pictures but of unidentified particles which have not been proven to be actual viruses with pathogenic qualities. No virus has ever been purified and characterized, its pathogenicity proven and its composition (genome) properly analyzed. Virologists have twisted the word “isolation” to mean their cell culture experiment which is claimed to indirectly prove virus existence, but in fact proves nothing because the experiments are scientifically (logically) invalid in design. Published genomes of viruses (and their “variants”) are products of a flawed, if not fraudulent, method (called “Next Generation Sequencing”, or NGS) which assembles short genetic fragments taken from a biological soup (containing the unpurified patient sample with many additives, i.e. impurities, hence the source of those gene fragments cannot be known) using a computer program to conjure a theoretical, in silico genome. The fraudulent nature of virology, the entire field, is clear when one takes a close look at any virology paper which claims to prove the discovery of a virus; one needs only a good command of the English language and a little background knowledge to help interpret the cryptic writing. One might ask, “if the coronavirus does not exist, what about the millions of cases and deaths”? This question leads us to the core trickery behind this scam: the diagnostic testing. The official statement is that COVID-19 cannot be diagnosed based on symptoms, but can only be diagnosed by tests (initially the PCR laboratory tests, and latter rapid at-home tests which are worse) – and solely by those tests (as per the definitions by WHO of a “confirmed case”), thus creating the absurdity of dangerous “asymptomatic” cases. In this way the fraud of a “test pandemic”, with its true nature being test positive cases associated with or without real sickness (common sickness which can easily be caused by any number of factors without invoking the virus as the explanation; a good portion of the “excess” cases of death and serious illness have been caused iatrogenically, i.e. by the harmful and often fatal “treatments” prescribed for a test positive case), has been sold to an unsuspecting public which unquestionably accepts that every test positive case represents a patient infected with a real specific virus, whatever its source or virulence. Good sources for starting one’s investigation into this matter are Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s presentation at the Red Pill Expo in 2021 (as recommended in my report dated 2022-01-13),[1] and his “Statement On Virus Isolation” (SOVI) document.[2] Sanctuary Church’s Position --------------------------- To the best of my knowledge, the King (and most of the church) believes that there is a real engineered bio-weapon virus released (intentionally or accidentally) from the laboratory in Wuhan, China. He also believes that the virus was a “dud” and could only produce weak symptoms. However, there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that this virus actually exists, nor any valid evidence that anyone has been infected with this virus anywhere – the only “proof” being the positive test results, but the tests were developed based on no real virus sample and have never been scientifically validated. Also, that view is self-contradictory as it attempts to explain real instances of disease and death by a real virus, yet the “dud” theory fails to explain instances of serious illness and death. (Once you invoke other factors to explain serious cases, then the whole justification for asserting that there must be a virus at all goes away.) Regardless of any very recent changes in the church’s position, if any, it is undeniable that the church has held the above view for well over two years, ever since early-mid 2020. The Effects of the Discrepancy ------------------------------ Put simply, when the church holds a different position from God’s (over an important matter), the church is not in a truthful position. “Over-reaction” by a well-meaning government against an allegedly deadly virus which turned out to be a weak “dud” is a very different animal from the criminal fraud of conjuring a pandemic from a non-existent, fabricated virus. Even though our position does oppose tyrannical government mandates (face masks, lockdowns, vaccines, etc.), it has failed to fully call out the total criminality of the fraud, and failed to call for the level of resistance and civil disobedience which should be appropriate against that level of criminality and fraud. This discrepancy goes deeper than rendering our church, which is supposed to be at the forefront of God’s war against evil, largely inactive in this fight. From a spiritual point of view, believing in a fabricated, non-existent being (the virus), and acting accordingly (including inaction), constitutes idolatry; falsely asserting that God created some baneful thing (the virus), when in fact God did not, constitutes blasphemy. Understanding that all the damages caused by this pandemic, including lockdowns, business closures and destruction of economy; deaths and injuries caused by poisonous and harmful “treatments” and vaccines; and the infringements of human rights and the advancement of government restrictions and surveillance; and other things, stand on no real virus, indeed nothing but the people’s false belief in a non-existence virus, it would be fair to say that all these damage and suffering are the consequence of the false belief, in other words, they are retribution for the sins of idolatry and blasphemy – which is comparable to its counterpart in the Old Testament bible, in terms of retribution for these same sins. Humanity has been captive and enslaved for these past two and a half years, as a consequence of our idolatry and blasphemy – and the Sanctuary Church, which is supposed to be the center and forefront of God’s dispensation, has failed to lead America and the world out of this predicament. A Spy within Our Midst ---------------------- While our current erroneous position might initially be attributed to ignorance of the King (his investigation into this matter not being throughout enough), and his conventional (mainstream) belief in virology, I am alleging that this misbelief has been maintained and more deeply ingrained by someone who has infiltrated us as a spy working for the globalists. From a powerful position within our church, he has been deliberately manipulating the King and our members to buy the Wuhan lab bio-weapon theory, so that we remain misguided, ignorant and powerless to this day. I have no direct evidence to this claim. However, through investigating and verifying my other allegation, circumstantial evidence can be procured. So let’s move on to my next point. The Spy has been Censoring and Distorting my Reports to the King ================================================================ Soon after the start of the coronavirus pandemic, in early 2020, I have been well aware of the above discrepancy, that the King was holding a view different from God’s. Hence I have written plentiful about this issue in my reports to the King (as the leader of Hong Kong church). Not only have I not seen any reply or reaction from the King, it was most disappointing that I did not receive even a word of rebuttal – despite that I made a number of very bold, perhaps even outrageous, claims in my reports, which makes that suspicious. It is as if the King has never heard the key contents of those reports. The Censoring of Two Recent Reports, and Allegedly Ones Before Those -------------------------------------------------------------------- When I submitted my two most recent reports (dated 2022-09-05 and 2022-09-07), the person who supposedly is responsible for presenting them to the King has replied stating that he will withdraw them from presentation. The reason he gave concerns the contents of those reports, but that seems suspicious because the report dated 2022-09-05 is a continuation to my report dated 2021-02-25, and the report dated 2022-09-07 is similar in content and style to my report dated 2021-08-19, yet those previous reports were (reportedly) presented – along with many other previous reports with similarly controversial, if not outrageous, content. (Especially the one right before them, dated 2022-08-22, and its predecessor dated 2021-10-14.) [3] My allegation against him is that he has been blocking or distorting many of my reports all the time, either by withholding them from presentation to the King (despite assuring me that he would present them), or by cutting out key segments so as to distort my message or make them sound unconvincing. In my report dated 2022-09-05, I explicitly asked for a reply or a rebuttal from either the King or his brother; perhaps that was the reason he could no longer continue to hide from me the fact that he was censoring my reports, so that he had to tell me that he was going to censor that one? A point of note: while I have made many bold, even outrageous, claims in my reports, it should be pointed out that the validity of the allegations I am making here does not rest on the validity of the claims in my reports (except for the claim that the coronavirus has not been scientifically proven to exist, on which the first allegation stands). All other claims in my reports can be refuted, yet this allegation stands valid as long as it can be verified that the reports as received by the King differ from the reports as they were submitted. Proposed Investigation ---------------------- All my reports submitted since early 2020 are disclosed in a public archive: under “Reports from Hong Kong Church”. The proposed investigation simply involves showing these original reports to the King, and asking the King to compare them to the versions previously presented to him. The King’s testimony would then serve as evidence. If any reports or parts thereof were omitted, the particular contents which were omitted could be used to determine the intent of the omission: whether they were reasonable summarization and abridging, or deliberate distortions with ill intent. The Connection to the Previous Allegation ----------------------------------------- If upon investigation, the misconduct and ill intent of the accused can be established, then it must be called into question his motive and objective. If the particulars of the omitted contents in the reports show the intent to hide from the King important messages, especially (but not limited to) the parts drawing attention and providing evidence to the fact that the coronavirus has not been scientifically proven to exist, his ultimate allegiance would be under question. Considering the immense ramifications this might potentially has to our church, and to God’s providence and the fate of humanity, I urge that the proposed investigation be commenced without further ado. References ========== [1] Dr. Andrew Kaufman at Red Pill Expo 2021 [2] Statement On Virus Isolation [3] Sanctuary Church Hong Kong Archives (mirror site)