Report from Hong Kong 2020-02-12 Alan Kwan Amidst public fear and confusion towards the coronovirus threat, I have taken up investigative journalist Jon Rappoport's viewpoint, that there is no evidence of a terrible, novel virus causing the disease. The official statement about a novel virus, and the medical "tests" used to diagnose "confirmed" cases, must be questioned. Plausible explanations for the epidemic in Wuhan include: 1. Serious air pollution in Wuhan (Rappoport's main conjecture); 2. Excessive use of antibiotics in man and animals; 3. A recent vaccine mandate; 4. Implementation of 5G network; 5. A psuedo bio-terrorist attack on the people, done actually using a chemical poison, but wrapped in a virus cover story. Hence our family do not feel that the threat of the virus itself is real, but the threat of a vaccine mandate down the road might be real. To believe that the virus is greater than the man is idol worship. ---- Report from Hong Kong 2020-02-26 Alan Kwan Public paranoia and confusion towards the coronavirus scare aggravates, along with tyrannical goverment reactions and depravation of personal freedoms here and there. I have a chance to hear Dana Ashlie on her channel. She gives a convincing elaboration on how the 5G frequency can disrupt the oxygen molecule and inhibit hemogoblin oxygen intake, causing the specific symptoms commonly (mis-)attributed to the supposed coronavirus. I am convinced that this is the correct explanation for many of the atypical cases in Wuhan and elsewhere, alongside those typical pneumonia cases caused by air pollution and other factors, deceptively labelled as "coronavirus" cases with bogus tests. So far I have seen no evidence that a novel virus is really the cause behind the epidemic. While my family believe that the coronavirus is a fabricated cover-up for the real causes behind the Wuhan diseases, we are well aware that the impacts of mass paranoia and the threat of goverment actions are real, and are upkeeping our preparations for tough times. ---- Report from Hong Kong 2020-03-19 Alan Kwan Continuing my personal investigation and research on the coronavirus hoax, I came across Bechamp's terrain theory of disease. I have to admit that I am theologically biased towards accepting Bechamp's theory while rejecting Pastuer's germ theory, for Bechamp pictured the human body as nothing but a masterpiece of God's design, with millions of microbes inside us working for us rather than against us. I find Pasteur's idea of powerful, omnipresent and hostile pathogens all around us contradictory with the faith in a benevolent creator of intelligent design. (In fact, its proponents often cite Darwinism in support of the theory.) I purchased Hume's book on the topic. I have not yet finished reading it, but so far it has been an excellent read. And then just these days I was introduced to Hamer's German New Medicine. It appears too deep and complex for me to have a good understanding in a short time, but I know that I am intuitively inclined to accept it, because of the same theological bias. In short, this one seems to be the medical version of the Divine Principe of Creation in a different terminology. These recent discoveries have filled me with marvel and gratitute towards God, in particular His design of the human body.