Sanctuary Church Open Report from Hong Kong 2021-08-19 Alan Kwan The Substantial Purpose of True Father's Las Vegas Providence ============================================================= Around the time of True Father's ascension, it had been revealed to me that True Father's Las Vegas Providence had a clear, substantial purpose that is little known. It was a lot more concrete than the vague notions of "entering hell to restore it" or some vague potentials of connecting with Donald Trump. In a nutshell, True Father was trying to restore the entire gambling industry by weeding out the dangerous addiction and leaving only a harmless entertainment which can be casually enjoyed by average people, thereby bringing salvation to both casinos and gamblers alike (and *not* driving the former out of business). At the core of this operation is the technical and academic knowledge acquired by True Father through his personal investment of time and effort, a significant part thereof being of an on-site nature (i.e. playing in the casinos). Knowing this hidden fact about the Las Vegas providence, I am fully in support of USCIG Constitution pretaining to (but not limited to) the gambling industry. Said article states: "Congress is prohibited from passing laws requiring licensing by the government for any occupation." Because it is totally clear to me that government control of gambling (prohibition, regulation, or licensing) does not work; it can only make the problem worse. The true solution lies in educating the players (gamblers) to be responsible in their actions; to this end, technical, academic facts about the activity can be very helpful. Attached together with this report is my two-part essay written on this topic. These passages are archived on my personal webpage: under the section "Essay (in English)".