Sanctuary Church Open Report from Hong Kong 2021-10-14 Alan Kwan Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor ====================================================== (Exodus 20:16) I have recently finished reading the book "Breaking the Spell" by Nicholas Kollerstrom (Castle Hill Publishers). The book flatly exposes and proves the fact that the so-called Holocaust, that is, the murdering of 6 million Jews by the Nazis during the Second World War mainly using poison gas in gas chambers, was a fabricated lie. Nicholas is a recognized (recognized until he published his controversial view on this very topic, at which point he was promptly exiled from the scientific community) historian of science, and his main argument is a /chemical/ one: the Nazis were using Zyklon B (cyanide gas) heavily for delousing clothing and bed-sheets to rid them of lice (which allegedly caused typhus epidemics) in the concentration camps, and had dedicated "gas chambers" for that purpose. On the walls of those real hygienic gas chambers, high concentrations of cyanide can be detected today. In contrast, no significant level of cyanide can be detected on the walls of any of the alleged Jews-gassing chambers in any Nazis concentration camp anywhere. Nor were there any kind of documentary or material evidence of any Nazis intended mass murder of Jews, other than some very dubious "testimonies". The book is very convincing, with very clearly laid-out and logical arguments, and lots of well-documented sources. In short, the Holocaust is a lie. It did not happen. There is no real evidence anywhere that it did. It is a myth propagated by the Jewish /globalists/, the same globalists who were controlling the communist movement (the USSR) during and after the war as well as manipulating the allied countries (through the deep state) into a totally unnecessary war, and the same globalists behind the ones promoting the COVID scam and the Great Reset now. The allied victory in the Second World War was indeed a victory for communism: which country gained the most land expansion as a result of the war? And hence, any statement which claims or suggests that the Nazis were guilty of the Holocaust, or of other alleged "war crimes" which they in fact did not commit, is a straight violation against the ninth commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". (In the same vein, any statement which suggests that germs or viruses are causing disease, as per Louis Pasteur's "germ theory of disease", would constitute the same sin against our tiny "neighbors", if in fact they don't.) This can only be a grave sin, with real consequences, namely promotion of the globalist propaganda and the fueling of their power (albeit unwittingly), and eventually the realization of their dystopian world. In fact, in both cases, the belief in the Holocaust myth and the belief in the germ/virus theory have been compared to a false religion (cult). Personally, I was never convinced by the Christian argument that petty sins (such as telling little lies or pirating a song) would land one in hell unless redeemed by the Savior. Now it has become clear to me, that such preachers are themselves in violation against Matthew 7:3-5 and in particular Matthew 23:4, condemning people for petty sins while themselves are ever unrepentant of their own much greater sins (namely, bearing false witness on a daily basis). God is just. Amen and Aju. Publisher's website (for reference)