Sanctuary Church Open Report from Hong Kong 2022-08-22 Alan Kwan The Making of the Psychopaths ============================= The Second King has been talking about the "globalist elites", a Satanic cult which has been controlling humanity from the shadows and wrecking havoc among the nations. While some names have been named (the Rothschilds, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, etc.), it has not been explicitly mentioned where the psychopathic ideology of said cult has originated from. Why would anyone on earth develop and harbor such a crazed mentality? A book I recently had the opportunity to read, "Jewish Supremacism" by David Duke, answered this question. In Matthew 23, Jesus condemned severely the scribes and Pharisees. One question would naturally come to mind: what exactly were the "laws" that those "child of hell" (Matthew 23:15) were preaching, that Jesus so heavily condemned? This book provided the answer. On page 62, the author presented several quotes from the Talmud. Let me repeat a few of them here: * Only Jews are human. [Gentiles] are animals. (Baba Mezia 114a- 114b.) * For murder, whether of a Cuthean [Gentile] by a Cuthean, or of an Israelite by a Cuthean, punishment is incurred; but of a Cuthean by an Israelite, there is no death penalty. (Sanhedrin 57a) * Even the best of the [Gentiles] should be killed. (Babylonian Talmud) * What a Jew obtains by theft from a Cuthean [Gentile] he may keep. (Sanhedrin 57a.) In short, if David Wood is fair in attributing Muslim terrorist attacks to the teachings in Muslim sacred texts, it should be equally fair for us to attribute the supremacist thought and criminal behavior of the globalist elites (who, as a matter of fact, are mostly Jews, sometimes hiding behind fake names) to the teachings (the "laws") in the Talmud. If Mohammad was a false prophet as David Wood claimed, then the teachers of Talmudic traditions were certainly false teachers - and we see no evidence that they have repented or rectified their teachings over the ages (only that they have become more sneaky in hiding their true intentions). In fact, the select quotes from the Talmud are many times more vicious and hateful (of "Gentiles") than anything from Muslim sources - it even makes one wonder if the errors in Islam had been inherited from the Jewish tradition. Concerning what the Talmud has to say about Jesus Christ, here are two of the quotes (p. 83): * Jewish priests raised Balaam [Jesus] from the dead and punished him in boiling hot semen. (57a Gittin) * Hast thou heard how old Balaam [Jesus] was?"... bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days it follows that he was thirty-three or thirty-four years old. (Sanhedrin 106) A true grasp of what Judaism really was, has given me a much clearer understanding of some of the Words in the New Testament. To Jews who were traditionally taught vile Jewish supremacism, obviously Jesus Christ and the "Christian values" he taught can only be their sole path to salvation, according to any conscientious, common sense standard. The conversion from such an evil and depraved ideology to the values and style of life which Jesus taught would certainly merit justification by "faith" in this sense, as opposed to by the "works of the [evil] Law" (Galatians 2:16). Has mainstream Christian theology taken the Words of Scripture out of their historical context? Shouldn't Christian "salvation" really involve the adoption of the values and lifestyle taught by Jesus (i.e. Christian values), rather than the belief in a certain church dogma which limits salvation to believers of said dogma (irrespective of the individual's worldview, value system and deeds)? It also gives a good explanation of why the Jews rejected Jesus. What Jesus was teaching and what the Talmudic teachers were teaching were like night and day. "Christian values", as we know it today, were largely alien to that culture and society. With this understanding, the Divine Principle (concerning the mission of the Messiah) has become ever more clear: it was because of the erroneous Talmudic teachings that God had to count on prestigious persons like Zechariah and John the Baptist to assist Jesus on his mission, as it was unrealistic to expect that Jesus could be accepted simply upon the merits of the Words of God which he spoke, as is the case with many a Christian today. Just imagine: if God had a whole nation of largely faithful, righteous people, how could the failures of a few persons have thwarted Jesus's primary mission? Communism was Jewish; so were political Satanism, other evil -isms (leftist ideologies) as of late, and most massive crimes against humanity (directly or indirectly). It has also become clear to me that, the so-called Holocaust (namely, the systematic gassing of 6 million Jews by the Nazis) is a lie, as I mentioned in my previous report dated 2021-10-14. Please allow me to close by formally restating my previous statement from that report: Although I understand that it might be too early now for the King to openly talk about the truths of "Jewish Supremacism" (because of the censorship and backlash this issue would incur), I, Alan Kwan, serving as the prophet of God to the Second King, in accordance with God's commandment "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" (Exodus 20:16), herein formally and solemnly advise the King to refrain from carelessly making unproven (no matter how widely propagandized and accepted) accusations and criticism against the Nazis and Hitler, in particular against their alleged "war crimes", until said crimes can be properly verified and proven. (P.S. On a softer note, while I understand that the betrayal of Han-mother has caused a providential need to recruit the alliance of faithful sectors of Christianity for the fight against Satan, and that the King has a desire and necessity to court their favor by softening Words from the Divine Principle which might agitate them, I would caution the King against going too far and getting dominated and [mis-]led by the Christians - as was the case when the King chose to listen to mainstream conservative opinion, rather than the prophet of God, on the scientific issue of virology fraud concerning the COVID scam back in 2020. After all, as explained above, their entire core theology might be no more than one big mistake of taking the Word of Scripture out of context.)